Karlsruher Go-Turnierhandbuch/Regeln/Strasbourg/en
Anhang: Regeln/Strasbourg/en
The Strasbourg rule of go
Source : livre "Le Go un jeu d'enfant" d'Albert Fenech (Auteur) page 91
Go is played by two people. We use a goban (gridded board of 9 by 9 lines) and black and white stones. Initially, the goban is empty. The player who has the black stones begins by placing one of his stones on an intersection. The moves are then played in turn.
Chain and liberty
Two intersections are said to be neighbors when they are on the same line and without any other intersection between them.
Two stones are neighbors if they occupy neighboring intersections.
A chain is a set of one or more neighboring stones of the same color.
The liberties of a chain are the neighboring unoccupied intersections of the stones of this chain.
The capture rule
When a player removes the last liberty from an opponent's chain, he removes it from the game. His opponent plays the next move.
The suicide rule
It is forbidden to play in a place where you have no liberty unless this move allows you to capture an opposing chain.
The ko rule
The ko rule forbids you to have the same position on the board same position on the board.
End of the game
At any time a player can pass.
The game ends when both players pass consecutively.
The aim of the game
The winner is the player who has the most stones of his color on the board at the end of the game.
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