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Der Go-Verband Baden-Württemberg und der Badische Go-Verein laden zu einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache mit Daniela Trinks ein:
Go in Korea — Insights and Experiences
This presentation offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of Go in Korea, exploring its current status, educational frameworks, and future prospects. We begin with a brief Introduction, setting the scene for Korea’s unique position in the global Go community. Moving into the Status of Go in Korea, we examine the Go culture, the professional scene, and the notable achievements of Korean players on the international stage. In Go Education, the focus shifts to Korea’s robust educational pathways, fostering talent from early learning through the professional ranks, and highlighting the strategies and methodologies unique to Korea. Finally, in Future Perspectives, we discuss anticipated challenges and opportunities and envision Korea’s evolving role in the global Go landscape. This presentation aims to provide European Go players with a better understanding of Korean Go, encouraging fresh insights and connections that bridge the Eastern and Western Go communities.
Daniela Trinks, former professor at the Department of Go Studies at Myongji University in Korea, has over a decade of experience in education with a focus on Go culture and education. After 18 years of study and work in Korea, Daniela has developed a deep understanding of the Korean Go traditions, educational systems, and competitive landscape. She has organized international Go conferences, initiated the "Go Promotion Awards," led numerous educational programs, and presented and published extensively on Go. Fluent in Korean, Daniela aims to connect Eastern and Western Go communities, sharing valuable insights with Go enthusiasts worldwide.
Zeit und Ort
Am Turnierort im Festsaal (= großer Spielsaal)
- Samstag
- 17:45 – 18:45 Uhr
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